If you wish to provide input to the 2017 VRCMS Constitution update, please email constitution@vrcms.org per the instructions below. Please cc executive@vrmcs.org as well. Thank you.
Our Constitution was first adopted in 2003 and to date only revised once in 2008. To revise our document takes approval by 75% of the voting members. It is difficult to get all of the voting members to be at meeting to undertake this process. So since we are going through this house cleaning exercise for the Act, it was felt it would be right to also go through the bylaws in detail and update them to reflect the present practise and some of the future direction of the club.
The Executive has set up a committee to work on this. On it are Wayne Powell, John Michael Bird, Lee Smith, Ryan Cartmell and Myself. We have started to go through the document. We will be making suggestions and looking to the Executive regarding what changes may have to occur.
We would also like to hear if you have any suggestions. We would ask that if you have something in the bylaws that you feel strongly should be considered, changed, added or deleted that you contact the committee in writing with your submission. We ask that in you submission you:
- Keep it to 200 words or less
- That if you want something to be changed or removed that you provide a reason and also a suggestion of the wording is to be, in its place
- That you have at least 2 additional members who support the idea and their names be included.
- That you get this in no later than May 17th
This is a large undertaking and will take time to complete. Going forward we plan to present the changes coming out of our reviews. So at each monthly meeting we will be presenting a section that has been reviewed, for discussion. We will take the feedback and use it for adjusting that piece.
At the end, the completed document will be presented in its entirety, discussed and at that point put to the membership for a vote. To pass it will require 75% of the voting members to approve it.
At this stage we are not exactly sure when the document will be completed for presentation to the membership for voting. Our guess, at this stage, is late fall of this year.